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Homeschooling Your Gifted Child

Time4Learning recognizes that gifted children need academic work which challenges their abilities.

A gifted child needs access to stimulating materials. Students without enough of a challenge can fail to develop to their full potential and suffer from boredom. Often, the boredom can develop into behavioral problems.

Time4Learning provides a learning program where students have access to a level above and below their current grade. For example, they can move ahead in Algebra but not in Language Arts (which is common among gifted students), so they have the flexibility to challenge themselves.

  • Top 100 2019
  • Safe4Kids
  • Cathy Duffy Top 100 2017
  • iParenting Media Award Winner

Reengage Your Child’s Learning

Edgenuity provides Time4Learning’s online interactive curriculum for preschool, elementary, middle, and high school. These courses are self-paced, with each child receiving a personal login where the next lesson is always ready. The online lessons are interactive, multimedia learning exercises with printable worksheets and unit tests to ensure understanding. These programs serve students primarily through acceleration.

For example, gifted students often excel in math and become bored with their traditional math coursework. Whether your gifted child is ready for algebra, or is ready to accelerate in elementary level math, Time4learning came help reengage them.

Get Your Free Guide: Welcome to Homeschooling

The Time4Learning Program Structure

Time4Learning has been refined through years of feedback from educators, parents, and students. Subjects are organized into chapters composed of interactive lessons, printable worksheets, quizzes and tests. Students are guided through the activities at their own pace by an automated system.

When students log in, they choose a subject, select a chapter, pick a lesson and complete the activities. A bright green arrow tells them where they left off, and completed work is clearly labeled with a check-mark or a gold star. Visual and auditory prompts guide students through the lessons making them easy for young learners to follow, and an online playground (controlled by parents) rewards and motivates them to finish their lessons.

Parents get access to printable lesson plans, teaching tools, detailed reporting and parental support through our online parent tools.

Gifted children often have different achievement levels for math and language arts. For Time4Learning, this is no problem. Our program lets you set each individual subject at the appropriate graded level, making this program great for gifted students.

PreK - 5th

  • Monthly, per student

6th - 12th

  • Monthly, per student

30% off each additional student

Discount applied to the student(s) of equal or lesser value.

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